Thursday, February 19, 2009

I'm Online

Last Valentine's day my dear husband got me a new computer. Its a desktop with a quad core processor, 1G memory, 160G HDD, and a 1G nvidia videocard. I'm really happy because it's very fast and efficient, even my 2 kids are very excited about it. Today, we got our very fist Broadband connection. I can now do my blogging in the comfort of my home. My son's can do their homework and research paper here as well. It's really nice to have internet at the click of your fingers. I'll be updating my blogsite often and I can also visit my friend's and follower's blogsite as well. Thanks to my husband Ruel and to the wonders of technology.


  1. wow congrats! seems like your PC is really loaded. what's good about having internet at home is you can take all the time you want while blogging compared to when you're in a computer shop.

    happy blogging!


  2. Thanks for following my blog...

    am sure you will enjoy blogging because your PC is new and fast...
